An organization is responsible for the occupational health and safety of its employees and others who may be affected by its activities. This responsibility also includes the support
and protection of the physical and mental health of these people. The purpose of implementing an OHS management system is to enable the organization to provide safe and healthy
workplaces, prevent work-related injuries and diseases, and continuously improve OHS performance.
The purpose of TS ISO 45001 OHS management system;
The purpose of the TS ISO 45001 OHS management system, which is an international standard, is to provide the framework to manage OHS risks and opportunities. The purpose and expected
outputs of the OHS management system are to prevent work-related injuries and diseases, and to provide safe and healthy workplaces. Therefore, it is extremely important for the
organization to eliminate the danger and OHS risks by taking effective preventive and protective measures.
When these measures are implemented by the organization through the OHS management system, the OHS performance of the organization improves. An OHS management system will be more
effective and efficient if it can be activated early in the face of opportunities that will increase OHS performance. It enables an organization to establish and certify an OHS management
system in accordance with the TS ISO 45001 standard, to manage OHS risks and to improve OHS performance. The OHS management system helps an organization to fulfill the legal and other
requirements (Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331).
TS ISO 45001 OHS Management System Standard
TS ISO 45001 Standard ISO / PC 283 was prepared by the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Project Committee. It specifies the conditions of an occupational health
and safety management system (OHS) in order to enable organizations to provide healthy working environments by preventing work-related injuries and diseases and to increase their
OHS performance by taking precautions and provides guidance for the use of this system. It applies to any organization that wants to establish, implement and maintain an OHS
management system in order to increase occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize OHS risks (including system defects), take advantage of OHS opportunities
and address OHS management system incompatibilities based on their activities.
In accordance with the OHS policy of the organization, the expected outputs of the OHS management system include:
a) Continuous improvement of OHS performance;
b) fulfillment of legal and other requirements;
c) Achievement of OHS targets.
TS ISO 45001 Standard is valid for every organization, regardless of its size, type and activities. It applies to OHS risks under the control of the organization,
taking into account factors such as the operating conditions of the organization and the needs and expectations of its employees and other interested parties. Thanks
to the OHS management system, it allows the employee to integrate other health and safety related elements such as well-being. All or part of the OHS Management system
standard can be used to systematically improve occupational health and safety management.
Adoption of the OHS management system is an organization's strategic and operational decision. The success of an OHS management system is based on leadership, the commitment
and participation of employees at all levels of the organization. Establishing and running an OHS management system, its effectiveness and achievement of expected outputs depend
on some key factors, including:
a) leadership, commitment, responsibility and accountability of top management;
b) top management should develop, manage and promote an organizational culture that supports the expected results of the OSH management system;
c) communication;
f) the participation and consultation of employees and their representatives, if any;
e) the allocation of necessary resources to ensure its maintenance;
f) OHS policies in line with the overall strategic goals and direction of the organization;
g) effective processes to recognize hazards, control OSH risks and take advantage of OSH opportunities;
h) Continuous performance evaluation and monitoring of the OHS management system to improve OHS performance;
i) Integration of the requirements of the OHS management system into the organization's business processes;
j) OHS objectives in line with OHS policies that take into account organization-specific hazards, OHS risks and OHS opportunities;
k) Compliance with legal and other conditions.
Demonstrating successful implementation of this document can be used by an organization to reassure employees and other interested
parties that an effective OHS system is in place. However, adoption of this document does not in itself guarantee the prevention of work-related injuries and illnesses, the
provision of safe and healthy workplaces, and an improved OHS performance. The level of refinement, complexity, level of documented information, and the resources required to
ensure the success of an organization's OSH management system depend on a number of factors such as:
• context of the organization (eg number of employees, size, geography, culture, legal requirements and other terms);
• The scope of the OHS management system;
• The nature of the organization's activities and the associated OHS risks.
TS ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system standard is an international standard that determines the requirements for OHS.
It has been developed in accordance with ISO 9001 (QMS) and ISO 14001 (EMS) standards in order to enable organizations to integrate quality, environment and OHS management systems.
Compliance with national health and safety standards is mandatory for all organizations.
TS ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system standard, on the one hand, shows the compliance of organizations with legal regulations, on the other hand,
it increases productivity and efficiency in the workplace thanks to the continuous improvement of the work environment.