KAS Certification Accreditations

KAS International Certification Logos

Warning: none of our customers can create logos, stickers, banners etc. for themselves without obtaining approval (permission). They cannot imprint the sticker with our logo, etc. Before advertising materials are given to the printing house, written permission must be obtained from the Kascert center / usage is strictly under control. (see: logo leaflet) domestic accreditations; ITU, TURKAK etc. GLOBALGAP, BRC, HALAL, DAP, TGA, etc. to serve in our country. Accreditations chosen to serve internationally.
Click to download our logo, which we recommend to use on the document (brochure, invoice, letterhead paper, etc.).

Certificate, Logo and Trademark usage instractions

1    Customer Certification
In order to propose certification of an organization, the system of the organization must comply with the following conditions;
i) In order to be certified, the organization should be able to show that the system it has established according to the relevant standard is functioning properly and that it has established the relevant control mechanisms. In practice, the system should have the following features:
·         It must be operated for at least 3 months,
·         Internal audit mechanism should be functional and established,
·         Management review should be made at least once. (when requested in the relevant standard)
ii)  The certificate can only be issued under the following conditions:
·         Submission of an appropriate corrective action plan-schedule to KAS Certification to close or close all nonconformities detected at the end of the certification assessment.
·         The certification body determines that all the conditions of the relevant standard are fulfilled and that it has developed effective methods to comply with the organization's policy and achieve its goals,
·         All personnel are informed about the organization's policy and objectives,
·         The training needs of the key personnel are determined and they have received the necessary training.
·         The ownership of the issued certificates is belongs to KAS Certification Ltd. Co.

2   Certificated Customer Rights and Responsibilities, Use of Logo and Brands
2.1 Rights and Responsibilities of the Documented Customer
(a)       The certificate can only be exhibited in places specified within the scope of product / production / service. Responsibility All subsidiaries, branches, departments, contracted subcontractors, etc. that the customer is associated with and under their covers.
(b)       The certificate can only be used at the locations written on the certificate.
(c)       The certificates are valid for three years from the date of issue, provided that the annual KAS visas are indicated on the certificate as a result of positive annual surveillance audit results (for management system certificates).
(d)       The Certified Customer is obliged to comply with the terms of the KAS or the relevant special Standard holder while referring to the certification status in communication media such as internet, brochures, documents or advertisements.
(e)       All or part of the Certificate, Logo and Trademark shall not be used or allowed to be used in a way that may cause misunderstanding by others, in a way that is misleading, incomplete, or compromising its reputation or public trust.
(f)        Customer; reference to the certification of the management system; cannot use the product, process or service in a way that implies that it is applied to activities outside the scope of certification as documented.
(g)       The certificated organization is obliged to notify the certification body of any changes that may occur within the scope of production / service / product.
(h)       If the scope of certification is narrowed by KAS, it is obliged to change all advertising and broadcasting activities in accordance with this situation.
(i)         Certified Customer; In case the certificate is withdrawn or suspended by KAS, it is obliged to immediately send the certificate to the KAS Office and to stop all advertisements and publications that include the reference to the certification.
(j)         ;In case of changes in the product / production / service locations, the Customer will notify the changes to KAS, and KAS will check the compliance of the organization's activity to the relevant standard by performing an evaluation at the new location.
2.2      Certificate, Logo and Brand Usage Rules
2.2      Certificate, Logo and Brand Usage Rules
The KAS Certification logo is the KASCERT or KASCERT International logo with the relevant standard. These logos can be used by our Customers who have been certified by KAS Certification (according to 17021 standard) and are entitled to receive the Certificate. In cases where the validity of the relevant certificate cannot be ensured, the CUSTOMER loses the rights to use the Certificate, Brand and Logo.
         The KAS Certification logo-mark is for commercial purposes only; When referring to the certification status in letterheads, computer software, advertising, brochures and stationery for activities covered by the certificate, it can only be used under the following conditions (17030 standard conditions);
The certified customer should pay attention to the following points in the use of brands and logos;
a.         In cases where the use of the Brand / Logo is used, it cannot in any way infer that KAS or the Accreditation body is responsible.
b.         Accreditation brand and number cannot be used on vehicles, buildings, flags, business cards. (See www.turkak.org.tr/R10.06)
c.         The accreditation mark and number can only be used with the registered KAS logo.
d.         Brand / Logos are not allowed to be used in a way that can be understood as the appropriateness of the evaluation (test, laboratory tests, calibration and inspection reports, personnel exams, institution evaluations, management systems audits, etc.)
e.         The shape and color of the accreditation body and KAS certification logo-brands cannot be changed.
f.          When certified customers use KAS Certification brands, there should be no uncertainty in the brand or accompanying text, about the subject being certified and which certification body has awarded the Certificate,
g.         The Certified Client cannot use the Accreditation Body's accreditation number and the Accreditation Authority Mark containing the relevant Accreditation subject alone in any place,
h.         The KAS Certification and Accreditation Agency brand should not be used on the product or on the product packaging seen by the consumer or in any other way that could be interpreted as representing product conformity,
i.          The certified customer should not make or allow any misleading statements regarding their certification,
j.          The certified customer must not mislead or allow the use of his certificate or any part of it,
k.         Brands and logos cannot be used in a way that gives the impression that KAS Certification certifies a product (including service) or process, with the certified customer's management system certified. In addition, brands and logos cannot be used in a way that gives the impression that the certified customer's product is certified, KAS Certification certifies a management system (including service) or process.
l.          The KAS Certification logo-brand can only be used for activities covered by the certificate. It cannot be used for facilities and departments or organizations that do not include the address in the certificate. It cannot be given the impression that the certification is applied to activities outside the scope of certification,
m.        The KAS Certification logo-brand cannot be used in any way to imply that it is the responsibility of the KAS Certification and accreditation body,
n.         The certified customer should not use the Certificate he / she has received in a manner that will compromise the certification body or the reputation of the certification system and lose public trust,
o.         The use of the KAS Certification logo-brand expires when the validity period of the Certificate expires, the certificate is suspended and withdrawn. In such cases, the certified customer is obliged to stop all advertising work that includes reference to certification,
p.         When the scope of certification is narrowed, the certified customer must change all advertising materials accordingly.
In case of incorrect or incomplete use by the customer of the KAS Certification logo, the Accreditation Agency logo, and (if any) the custom logo or brand of the relevant special standard, the wrong / incomplete use will be immediately prevented and measures will be taken. KAS Certification has the right to ban the use of certificates and logos and to take legal action. When necessary, the relevant Accreditation Agency or the relevant secretariat will be informed.

3   Certificate, Logo and Brand Usage Rules Violation
As soon as the rule violation information comes to the KAS Certification, the KAS Certification customer;
It monitors the Certificate, Logo and Brand Usage Rules. In this context, the data in the press, publications and media are analyzed. In addition, complaints from customers are examined. When a violation of the "Certificate, Logo and Brand Usage Rules" is detected, corrective action is required immediately. In case the corrective actions are not carried out completely within the specified period, the following activities are implemented by KAS Certification:
     (a)     It can suspend its certificate.
     (b)     Revoke (withdraw) its certificate.
     (c)     It may fail to renew its certificate.
     (d)     If necessary, the accreditation body or the relevant secretariat is informed,
     (e)     The withdrawal or suspension of the issued Certificate is announced to the public (web, etc.).
     (f)     Necessary steps are taken to initiate legal proceedings.KAS Certification communicates the decisions and bases on these issues to the certified organization in writing.
However, in case of misuse by the CUSTOMER, misuse will be prevented immediately and measures will be taken. KAS has the right to ban the use of certificates and logos and to take legal action. When necessary, the relevant Accreditation Agency or the secretariat will be informed.
4      Management Systems Maintaining the validity of certificates
During the validity of the certificate, at least one surveillance audit is performed annually. The first surveillance audit following the first certification must be completed within 12 months at the latest from the certification decision date.
The certificate continues to be valid as a result of the submission of the corrective action plan (max. 1 month) by the customer as a result of the surveillance, inspection and nonconformities, and the proof of the closure of the corrective actions (max.4 months).

5    Suspension of certificates
Certificates are suspended in the following situations;
·      The justification of a complaint about a certified customer after a written notification to the customer
·      If it is determined that the customer does not continue to comply with the requirements of the relevant standard after a short-term evaluation in the field
·      After the customer fails to comply with the corrective action plan-schedule committed by the customer
·      After the surveillance evaluation, if it is determined that the customer does not continue to comply with the requirements of the relevant standard;
For management systems; At the end of the termination period of the corrective actions-action plans, if the evidence of their closure is not delivered to the KAS Certification by on-site inspection or any other method, the customer is given the last written warning about the closure of the corrective activities. Evidence is requested within 2 weeks and alerted once by phone.
If the customer does not respond within 2 weeks, he / she is called once more and the Certificate is suspended (max.6 months) with the decision of the Certification Manager and the customer is warned in writing and the suspension status is notified to the public on the www.kascert.com website If the customer proves that the non-conformities have been closed after the suspension is suspended, the suspension is lifted with the decision of the Certification Manager and the customer is informed. If non-conformities are not closed at the end of the suspension period, the Certificate is revoked. Due to the customer not having the required frequency of surveillance or re-certification audit
·           Due to the customer not having the required frequency of surveillance or re-certification audit
Certificate of the customer whose surveillance audit could not be done in time max. It is suspended for 2 months and is published on the www.kascert.com website. If the surveillance audit or re-certification audit cannot be performed at the end of this period, the Certificate is revoked.
·           As a result of the customer's request for voluntary suspension,
·           If the terms of the contract are not complied with,
The maximum suspension period is 6 months.

6    Revocation (withdrawal) of certificates
·               Certificate is canceled as a result of the change of address of the customer-site's production / service activities on the certificate. Customers whose address changes have been detected as a result of unusual visits (complaints - short notice - unannounced examinations etc.) do not have to be notified in writing to the customer of the certificate revocation.
·               In the change of the customer's title-registration number (company owner
·               If the customer requests revocation of the certificate voluntarily, the certificate is revoked.
·               (In management system certifications) The Certificate of customers whose surveillance audit cannot be performed is canceled.
·               Certificate is canceled when it is detected that the terms of the contract are not complied with.

7    Non-Accreditation Certificates and Partly Out of Scope of Accreditation
Certificates issued as a result of non-accreditation examinations cannot bear the logo of any accreditation body. In such cases, customers can only use the KAS Certification logo-brand (provided that all the conditions specified above are complied with).

8   Scope Expansion / Reduction
If the customer requests a change in the scope of certification as a result of a change in production / service activities, a re-evaluation is made.
Expansion:If there is an extension application for the scope of the certification, the application is reviewed and it determines the necessary evaluation activities to decide whether an extension can be made or not. Scope extension requires on-site evaluation. In cases that do not include an extension of the scope, that is, the statement changes made in the scope sentence (spelling mistakes, writing errors, etc.) are performed without evaluation in the field.
After the scope is expanded, the certificate is renewed with the current date, but the surveillance audit date-visa dates and Certificate validity date remain as on the old Certificate.
Narrowing (Production, Depending on the Subject of Service): As a result of the customer's request for a change in the direction of narrowing the activities within the scope of certification or when the customer continuously or seriously fails to meet the certification requirements for some of the activities within the scope of certification, the scope of the certificate is narrowed (provided that it complies with the requirements of the relevant standard. ), the certificate is reissued according to the narrowed scope, provided that the validity date remains the same.
Address change:
If the change is a change in the production / service location address on the certificate, an appraisal is made in the field.
Name change:
In Management System Certifications; In case of change of title in the registry newspaper (company owners, employees, address, organization of a customer with the same but new registration number and a new title), the Certificate is renewed as a new date, but the surveillance audit date-visa dates and Certificate validity date are as on the old Certificate remains.

9    Customer Rights and Responsibilities
Certification process and issuance of certificates etc. You can reach the procedures about the guide document section of the www.kascert.com website.
The validity of the certificate can be ensured by searching with the certificate number and / or customer name in the references section of the www.kascert.com (For management systems)
I declare that I will comply with the requirements of the certification body by fulfilling the above conditions and responsibilities, and that I accept that the certification body may suspend or withdraw the certificate, cease the use of certificates, logos or brands, and disclose this situation to the public via the internet or other means, if the conditions and responsibilities are not fulfilled by us intentionally or unintentionally.
Certified Customer's Authority:

Form 63 Print Date / No: 28.12.2016 / N

E-mail: egitim@kascert.com   E-mail: info@kascert.com

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